The 1st canvas was made live shortly after reddit's r/place shut down, giving it huge exposure to players - making it the most active, and most chaotic, canvas on
Although there were many skirmishes on this canvas, the main battle was between the French and the German Reich, along with Fins and Ukrainians - The New Pxls Alliance, with the alliance winning the battle in the end.
⚠️ NOTE: Due to server issues, a chunk of the logs was lost.. These logs are used for analyses and re-creation of timelapses. In addition, logging missed some pixel events. Each section will detail how this has affected efforts at recovery.ℹ️ INFO: If you have accurate pixel information from this first canvas - either from recording server activity or through taking snapshots for your own / your faction's timelapses, please contact CtrlZ#3281 or Ske#6201 in the Discord, as your contribution would be greatly appreciated.
Canvas states
Initial canvas state*
Final canvas state
⚠️ The final canvas state image was collected separately and merged with the final result of the logs.
⚠️ The final frame of the timelapses was made to match the final canvas state as described.
Timelapses generated from log files.
⚠️ Due to lapses in log files, the following numbers should be taken as indicative, rather than absolute.
Click canvas images to toggle between analysis and final image.
Final pixel coverage: 754,522/1,000,000 (75.45%)
Pixels placed: 3,573,855
User undo actions: n/a (user undo was not yet implemented)
Server undo actions: n/a (server undo was not flagged in logs)
Accounts active: 10,218+ (based on screenshot showing active user count at a specific point in time - total number of accounts likely to be larger as players that did not have open at the time would have been excluded.)
Final state
Untouched pixels
Pixels that were never placed on (also referred to as virgin pixels), depicted in white.
Pixel age
Age of pixels as a brightness map. Darker pixels were placed longer ago.
Heat map
Depicting activity on the canvas as a heat map - the brighter a pixel's color, the more often it was placed on.
Pixel placement times
Pixel placement times
Smooth rainbows indicate bot-like behavior.
Pixel placement times in milliseconds.
Smooth regions strongly indicate bot-like behavior.
Pixel placement times in seconds
Comb-effect regions may indicate bot-like behavior.
Pixel placement times in minutes
Gradients indicate pixel placement directions.
Activity on the canvas as measured over days (horizontal axis, left is start of canvas) and hours (vertical axis, bottom is start of day). Hours are in CET.