The archives

< Canvas 9

Canvas 10 - 2018/04/01 ... 2018/05/01

> Canvas 11

The 10th canvas started as a patchwork of 9 squares, with each square taken from the respective location of previous canvases. For example, the square on the middle left is taken from the 4th canvas's middle left section.
Because older canvases used a different palette, some of the colors from the source image were forced to be modified.

Canvas 10 had one cooldown event toward the end of the canvas, leading to a quick growth in pixels placed, evidenced in the graphs.

Canvas states

Initial canvas state

Canvas 10 initial state

Final canvas state

Canvas 10 final state


Timelapses generated from log files.
Timelapse, 1 frame every 5 minutes:
Direct links:
webm/vp9/YUV444p [15.4MB] (great quality, limited compatibility)
mp4/h.264/YUV420p [19.3MB] (best compatibility)
Animated GIF [11.4MB] (best quality, no playback controls) (hosted at Vimeo)
Pixellapse, 1 frame every 500 pixels
Direct links:
webm/vp9/YUV444p [6.9MB] (great quality, limited compatibility)
mp4/h.264/YUV420p [6.5MB] (best compatibility)
Animated GIF [3.3MB] (best quality, no playback controls)
Buildlapse, 1 frame every 500 pixels
Direct links:
webm/vp9/YUV444p [8.4MB] (great quality, limited compatibility)
mp4/h.264/YUV420p [9.4MB] (best compatibility)
Animated GIF [8.5MB] (best quality, no playback controls)
Placelapse, 1 frame every 500 pixels
Direct links:
webm/vp9/YUV444p [7.7MB] (great quality, limited compatibility)
mp4/h.264/YUV420p [7.7MB] (best compatibility)
Animated GIF [7.7MB] (best quality, no playback controls)


Click canvas images to toggle between analysis and final image.
Palette (24): palette introduced in Canvas 8
Canvas dimensions: 750x750 (562,500 pixels)
Total placeable pixels: 562,500 (100.0%)
Final pixel coverage: 511,814 (90.99%)

Total actions taken: 897,445
Pixels placed: 889,143 (99.07%)
User undo actions: 7,337 (0.82%)
Mod actions: 965 (0.11%)

Accounts active: 1,834

Nth pixel placedby User

Final state

Untouched pixels

Pixels that were never placed on (also referred to as virgin pixels), depicted in white.

Canvas 10 - untouched pixels

Pixel age

Age of pixels as a brightness map. Darker pixels were placed longer ago.

Canvas 10 - pixel age

Heat map

Depicting activity on the canvas as a heat map - the brighter a pixel's color, the more often it was placed on.

Canvas 10 - pixel heat map

Pixel placement times


Pixel placement times
Smooth rainbows indicate bot-like behavior.

Canvas 10 - placement times


Pixel placement times in milliseconds.
Smooth regions strongly indicate bot-like behavior.

Canvas 10 - placement times, milliseconds


Pixel placement times in seconds
Comb-effect regions may indicate bot-like behavior.

Canvas 10 - placement times, seconds


Pixel placement times in minutes
Gradients indicate pixel placement directions.

Canvas 10 - placement times, minutes


Activity on the canvas as measured over days (horizontal axis, left is start of canvas) and hours (vertical axis, bottom is start of day). Hours are in CET.

Canvas 10 - activity over days and hours

colors over time

Total pixels of a given color placed over time, graphed.
Source: zip:colors.csv,colors.ods

Canvas 10 - colors over time, linear scale

Canvas 10 - colors over time, logarithmic scale

Pixels removed

Pixels locations where pixels were removed

User undo (green), server undo (blue), and mod rollbacks (red)

Canvas 10 - pixels removed, undo/server undo/rollback

Heatmap of server undo, and mod rollbacks

Canvas 10 - pixels removed, heatmap of server undo/rollback

Top 100 pixelers

The top 100 pixel placers on this canvas.
Top 100 pixel placers

Surviving art

Athough several of the pieces of art from the original canvases were largely free from attack or were re-built, the 'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle' Donatello was the only art that did not suffer large damage and was fully restored by the end of the canvas.

Donatello, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle, and top survivor of Canvas 10